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Steve Cooper is a creative being. His great love of composition is expressed through writing personal songs, making quick, simple prayer songs weekly with Monday Morning Prayer on the Hill regulars, constructing group songs with his Primary and Secondary School classes, and collaboratively crafting multi-disciplinary RockSalt Arts performances with wife Hannah. Needless to say, there are other musical adventures. Steve loves playing band gigs and performing at community events and festivals. He has spent much of his adult life in ministry - in churches, arts networks and conferences, as well as Poatina Arts and the Poatina community. 

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Compose Yourself!


Love playing music? We’ll work together to sing as a group, write songs as a group and play as an ensemble. We’ll have time to work individually with one-on-one mentoring - whether it’s your own singing or playing, or your songwriting skills.

Have a little experience or a lot? Our experienced team will help you engage at your level and develop new skills, enjoyment and confidence.

A range of activities will get us focused and working together each day. We’ll learn and try new techniques. Bring your voice, and an instrument if you have one. Be ready to be inspired - by God and by others - as we use music to explore the FATA theme.

We will be using our recording studio and some usicl instruments, and you'll be provided with a manuscript notebook. Bring anything you love using to make music - instruments, laptop, voice recorder etc, as well as a sense of fun.

Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of morning elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.

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