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Hannah Prior is a visual artist and teacher from Melbourne. Inspired by both the places she visits and her home, Hannah loves working with watercolours and other media on paper. Hannah holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design and a Masters of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) with a double major in visual arts. She currently works as a Secondary art teacher and has run a number of workshops for both children and adults. Hannah has also been involved with a number of murals and community arts projects in Australia and overseas.

Watercolour Landscapes
Be inspired by a variety of landscapes around Poatina. Develop confidence in observational drawing, experiment with high quality art materials including watercolours, pencils and markers, and begin a watercolour sketchbook.
During this elective there will be a mix of studio based work and en plein air painting. Please come prepared for walking with sturdy shoes and a hat. Suitable for emerging, practicing and returning artists - no experience needed, just be willing to play and experiment!
Additional Fee: $60
Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of afternoon elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.
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