Workshop the Word

Tim Bowles has worked professionally in the performing arts since he was a teenager. He studied Acting at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne and HB Studio in New York where he became a Christian. His television credits include "The Sullivans", "Prisoner", "Home", "Lawson's Mates" and "The Twenty Good Years". Tim's passion is to see people creatively engaging with God's Word – facilitating and enabling the use of God-given creative gifts to unlock and deepen the work of God's Word in our own lives and in the lives of others. He was a co-director and performer in the Fringe Festival production, "For Want of A Better Word" - based on the first 6 chapters of John's Gospel. Tim also co-wrote, directed and performed in "Remembering the Passion of Jesus" at St George's Cathedral, Perth. Tim is a prize-winning songwriter and was co-founder of "The Edge Creative Arts Community and Performing Group" – a forerunner to the Scripture Union WA Performing Arts Department. He has worked extensively with his wife Nicki, was a founding member of "Moving Images Performing Arts Company" and has worked as a Drama Teacher and Director of Drama/Performing Arts. You'll love learning with Tim!

Workshopping the Gospel
Creative processes for unpacking the word of God - the Bible - as well as important Christian prayers and creeds...
Ways to explore, ponder upon, engage with and present Bible-based creative material at services, special events, concerts - at Christmas-time and Eastertide; with young people and older people; in church and beyond...
We'll engage in many creative activities - including moving, dramatizing, miming, singing, poemising, reading, writing, reflecting and discoursing on God's Word - with the goal of moving us closer into union with Jesus - and enabling us to more fully access and use the creativity God has placed within each of us.
It’s fair to say that there will be ‘something for everybody’.
YOU'LL BE PROVIDED with a workbook.
YOU CAN BRING your bible, journal, something to write with and comfortable clothing suitable to move in.
Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of morning elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.