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Savour the Seasons

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Emily Sims is passionate about finding beauty, making things with her hands, telling stories about being alive and blogging about it all as she strives to find ways she can be a good steward of the earth, savour each season and care for her mental health. She is passionate about a contemplative approach to faith that seeks to bring holistic awareness, compassion and healing between people, food, land and technology.  Emily lives on a regenerative farm in the Macedon Ranges, just north of Melbourne with her husband Alex, which supplies local cafes and farmers markets with pasture raised eggs and meat. She leads the kids' ministry at their local Baptist church and is (very slowly) studying a masters of spirituality with Whitley College. Emily spends her days looking after little people, packing eggs, washing up a LOT of dishes, drinking tea, getting dirty in the garden, and playing around with words in her head. She loves walking on her own, storytelling, making things with her hands and planting a garden for their bees.  She writes a monthly newsletter and blogs at

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Savour the Seasons

How can we nurture faith, creativity and community through the seasons? Why do we often feel conflict and tension with the seasons we find ourselves in? How can we bring our awareness of the seasons into our prayer and faith practice? How can we bring personal practices of faith and creativity out into community and social justice? 

Join Emily for four distinctive sessions exploring how seasons of faith and creativity offer unique opportunities to deepen our relationship with God and care more fully for ourselves, creation and each other. 

Session 1: Waiting - Resting - Winter
Session 2: Emerging - Playing - Spring
Session 3: Maturing - Working - Summer
Session 4: Celebrating - Sharing - Autumn 

She will draw on scripture and contemplative faith traditions such as the Benedictines, Celts, mystics, metaphysical poets and creatives of old and new. Each session will include time for prayer and contemplation, prompts for creative response and bodily expression, as well as open conversation and respectful sharing. 

Everyone is welcome. You do not need to have an established creative practice to take part and are invited to bring your preferred medium to use in the “creative response” times. It could be pen and paper, your journal, paints, fibre, knitting, musical instrument, yoga mat or other. 


A comfortable chair or cushion to sit on

Four tea-light or small candles (and a way to light them)

Materials for your preferred creative medium (eg paper and pens for drawing, watercolours and paper for painting, yarn and needles for knitting)

​Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of afternoon elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.

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